Departmental Staff
Mr. Byaruhanga John Paul (Head of Department)
Ms. Amuge Lona.
To encourage students to:-
Computer Science is taught at all levels of secondary and examined at both O- Level (UCE) and A- Level. (UACE) as directed by the Ministry of Education and sports. We basically follow the syllabus designed by the national curriculum development center (NCDC). Computer science cuts across all subjects; for instance Particular modules of work, using ICT as a tool, are completed in English, Science, Maths, Biology, Physics, Geography, Chemistry and others being developed constantly.
Research on the internet is one of the advantages of this department; most students visit the department to access internet for research in particular subjects so as to accomplish tasks given to them by teachers. This encourages the learners to be self driven in reading and researching ahead of the teacher, there by avoiding a situation of spoon feeding